Saturday, December 22, 2012

Scooters Fun

We had a great time at Scooters and then later dinner at Wendy's. The youth and adults raced cars and, attempted, to hit balls in the batting cage.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Two Successes!!

Today was a day of success at MBC. Bro. Frank who has been with the church for many years has stepped forward on several occasions and given devotions. A few weeks ago, he filled in for Pastor and gave a really good devotion. Today, he delivered a very good message about Bible success. We have seen Frank as a young man, grow and serve the Lord and mature, he has 3 beautiful children, a lovely wife and has been a blessing to the church membership. It is a blessing to see him step forward to deliver God's word. He is truly a sucess in the making as he does God's will.

Prior to Bro Frank's message, we got to celebrate Brandon's success. A little over a year ago, we started a boy's youth group program called The Lord's Army. All the boys have many tasks to perform, many bible verses to memorize to achieve their ranks. Brandon has completed all his books and achieved the highest rank possible in this group, Captain. After all is said and done, all the boys who reach Captain will have learned over 100+ bible verses. They will have completed 41 'tasks'. The 'tasks' consist of obeying, helping others, completing chores, witnessing to others, singing special or playing special music, sending letters to missionaries. It is a great program and it requires all the boys to work hard to rank up.

It  always amazes me how God's message and events all tie in together.  Today, we saw God's 'successes' at work.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

All Day Fellowship and Church Service

Our end of the month birthday\anniversary fellowship was extra fun this month. We had service in the morning, a wonderful turkey feed and then an early evening service. You can see all the pictures by clicking the link below.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, Pastor Randall. You are a blessing to our church. We love you!!
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Glitter Gifs

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pastor Randall Sr

It is always a blessing when Pastor Randall Sr. comes to visit. Here he is using Isaac and Brandon to illustrate his message.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Dunn Family

The Dunn family, missionaries to China, visited several weeks ago. They sang several songs, each song was a blessing. Due to an error on my part, I was only able to record one song.  It was great to see them and hear how the work is going in China.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday, Mrs. Randall. We love you. Glitter Graphics

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Good job, Andrew!!

Andrew is working his way to Corporal now. Good job, Andrew!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Newest Member of MBC

Brian is the newest member of MBC. Welcome, Brian.

Choir Special

Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Rank.

Each boy in Lord's Army is working hard. They are learning so many verses. Each book contains, at least, 20 or 25 verses. They also have tasks at the end of each book. There is, on average, nine or ten tasks to complete,  from obeying parents to sending a missionary a letter or witnessing. We are seeing so much growth in each boy that attends. Donald has reached the rank of Sergeant. Brandon has reached the rank of Lieutenant. From the starting book- Private, to Corporal, to Sergeant to Lieutenant, to Captain, each boy is learning so much. God is blessing this program in a mighty way.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Church Picnic

July 4th, is our annual church picnic. Despite the RAIN, this year, we all had a good time. The hike was cut short due to the rain but they all seemed to have fun. The Harris family joined us and spent a few days in the area. Pastor Harris preached the next day.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Suprise Visitor

We had a surprise visitor, today. Missionary Jon Rettig. Bro. Rettig and his wife Emilie are missionaries in Prague, Czech Republic. They are the first missionaries our church supported.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Special Youth Night

Today was a youth lead service. Bro. Frank, Isaac and Andrew started out services by singing a special. During the evening service, Isaac, Donald and Andrew each led us in a song. 

Mackenzie played during the offering. Brandon played two songs on the lap harp. Donald and Tony both gave devotions. You can see the music specials and devotions by clicking here----> YOUTH SPECIAL'S

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Job, Isaac!

Isaac was awarded his PFC rank. He is now working his way to Corporal. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary to Pastor and Merlynn. Thank you for being such a wonderful blessing to our church.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Special music at the nursing home

We had a good nursing home service, today. Bro. Deprez gave a good salvation devotion. And, Brandon played the lap harp.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Corporal Tony

Tony received his Corporal stripes. Good job, Tony.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

God Bless You.

One year ago, today, Pastor Randall preached his first sermon as the new Pastor at MBC. Thank you for being such a blessing to all of us at MBC. 

christian glitter graphics Glitter Graphics -

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Praise God!

Donald and Brandon presented themselves for membership today. Lord willing, they will be baptized this Sunday.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Awarded Rank of Sergeant

All the kids are working hard towards their ranks. Andrew gave the devotion on Wednesday night. Good job, boys! Keep up the hard work!
He is now working towards the rank of Lieutenant.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Family Night. Part Two

Everyone was a good sport. They walked the imaginary line and stepped over the imaginary line. And they crawled under the non existant piano bench.

Family Night. Part One

We had a great time at family/game night. Here are just a few pictures.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Church History -Part Two

Part two in the catagory -Church history has been updated.

Reminder. Family game night is Friday, March 9 at 6:00.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our Church History- New Catagory

On the right side bar, under the section, What We Believe, you will find, Our Church History Parts One -Three, along with a Church Timeline. Part one is complete. The rest of the information is coming soon.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February and March Birthday's and Anniversaries

February 12th, Happy birthday Joane Nelson

February 14th--Happy anniversary to Fernando & Sheena Campos

March 4th. Happy 17th birthday to Charlotte Randall

March 11th, Happy 6th birthday to Fernando Campos III

March 31st, Happy 12th birthday to Isaac Sagasta.

Note:: Be in prayer for Bro Slusher and Bro Campos as they continue to recover.

Events at a glance has been updated to reflect events for the month of March.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Good Job!!

Donald is now working his way to earning his Sergeant stripes, too!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

News and Awards

Colonel McKinley presenting Brandon with his Corporal stripes (Jan 22nd). Brandon is working his way towards Sergeant.

News: Lord's Army is this Wednesday at 7. Ladies Bible study will resume on Wednesday Feb 1st. End of the month fellowship is this Sunday Jan 29th after the evening service.  February "Events At A Glance" is now updated, on the left side bar.

Please continue in prayer for Mrs. Clark. Please be in prayer for Bro Campos as he is facing a long hospital stay. He can be reached at Sunrise Hospital in Vegas in Room E570.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Pastor Randall and Bro. Kuhn took a trip to Mexico to visit Pastor Steven Harris and family. It was a blessed time for all. For a sneak peak at a few pictures click here---> Mexico I hope to have more pictures to put on the church blog soon.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Due to Illness

Ladies Bible study for Wednesday, Jan 11th is cancelled. Bible study will resume next Wednesday, Jan 18th.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekly News, Jan 8th-Jan 15th.


Be in prayer for Pastor Randall and Bro. Kuhn as they travel to Mexico. Be also in prayer for Bro. Harris and family as they travel up to meet them near the border.

Please be in prayer for those who are sick.


Lord's Army was rescheduled to this Wednesday, Jan 11th, 7:00.
Ladies Bible Study is also set for this Wednesday, Jan 11th at 7:00 at Mrs. Campos house. . --CANCELLED

Missionaries to Scotland. The Clough family,  will be here, Jan 12th.
Their website is---> CLOUGH

Ladies dinner fellowship, Jan 13th, 7:00 PM at Oriol's Mexican Rest.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sprucing up God's House

Many changes at our church. Among the biggest is a fresh coat of paint, new carpet and new tile in our hallway and the men's room and ladies room.