Concerning salvation and the call to preach -
The Lord saved me in March of 1985. I had been raised in a Protestant church, and knew that Jesus Christ had died on the cross to pay for my sins, that he was buried and raised again, but had never placed my faith in him until I was 21 years old, and was convicted of my guilt before God. Within the first year of being saved the Lord stirred in my heart to preach his word.
Concerning Mohave Baptist Church-
Pastor Harris asked three different pastors whom they would recommend to fill the pastor's office at Mohave Baptist Church. They all told him Bro. Johnson. So he attempted three times to get Pastor Lindbloom's permission to contact me. On the third attempt Pastor Lindbloom gave his blessing to seek the Lord's will on the matter. After many conversations with Pastor Harris and a trip to meet the church, the invitation was given, and I accepted.
I thank the Lord for the 7 years he allowed me to pastor Mohave Baptist Church. We saw some professions of faith, and 13 baptized. A parcel of land was purchased debt free in Sept of 2005.. Missions giving increased each year until the last year I was there, in which nearly $20,000 was given. God's people were good to me, and I have many great memories of our time there. As Pastor Lindbloom and I prayed about a man to replace me, the Lord placed Bro. Randall on my heart. The church was well acquainted with the Randalls, and they were acclimated to the desert. He was praying about what the Lord would have him to do also at that time concerning ministry.I left in following the Lord's leading to start a new church in east central Minnesota. Pastor Don Randall took over pastoring Mohave Baptist Church on April 24, 2011.
Bro. Johnson