Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday!!

A happy birthday to all our Sept people.

Mrs. Randall 7th, Carissa Campos 14th, Fernando Campos 16th,  Mackenzie Mollohan 17th.

Happy Birthday, Pastor Randall 23rd.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our Church Picnic

Normally our picnic is on July 4th. We look forward to it every year. This year though, due to wildfires it was cancelled. The mountain and surrounding area were in flames. So we celebrated our fourth of July picnic on labor day. The weather was great- cool for us. We had one loud thunderstorm that was a little frightening but it quickly passed. You can see the some of the pictures by clicking to our FB page (the link is in the sidebar to the right) . Check back over the next few days as more pictures will be added to the album.

August Birthdays:

Brandon McKinley 2nd, Autumn Harris 9th, Cherie Mollohan 11th, Delina Sagasta 15th, Mr. Slusher 16th, Bill Kinman 27th, Rich Deprez 29th,Frank Sagasta 29th. And a Happy anniversary to Frank & Sarah Sagasta 27th

Sept Birthdays: Mrs Randall, 09/07, Carissa Campos 09/14, Fernando Campos SR 09/16, Mackenzie Mollohan 09/17, Pastor Randall 09/23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND GOD BLESS YOU.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Family Night

In May we had family night at church. It was loads of fun! Char and Mrs. Randall have updated FB with pictures. You can access them by clicking here--->FAMILY NIGHT

June Birthday's and Anniversaries

Happy birthday to our church members who have birthdays in June!! Fernando Campos Jr 6/18. Darrell Kuhn 6/22. And again, Happy anniversary to Pastor and Mrs. Randall 6/05 and Gregg and Cherie Mollohan 6/08. If I have missed anyone, please let me know. Thanks. Mrs McKinley

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May Birthdays and Anniversaries.

I am determined not not miss wishing all of our people a happy birthday or anniversary as I have done in past months. . So here it goes....

Happy 18th birthday to Tony Kuhn 5/22!! Happy anniversary to Bro & Sister Campos 5/02 and Happy anniversary to Bro. and Sister Kuhn 5/16. 

And while I did announce the birth of Honor Harris (April 9th) in an earlier post (on FB) . I didn't get her listed along with the other birthdays in April. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 

Mrs McKinley

Friday, April 26, 2013

April Birthday's

Happy birthday to all of our special people .. Sheena Campos, Sarah Sagasta, Gregg Mollohan & Donald Randall III. Happy anniversary to Bro & Sister Sonnefeld.

Happy Birthday, Donald

Happy 16th Birthday!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Trip to Mexico

Recently Pastor Randall and Bro. Rich Deprez took a trip to visit Missionary Steven Harris in Mexico. You can read about their adventure by clicking here -----> Mexico.