Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ladies Meeting

Last Saturday we enjoyed a work day/ladies fellowship and craft. Along with changing and updating our missions boards, we worked on invitations to pass out at our local nursing home. Please be in prayer that we can reach more of the residents at the nursing home. It is our prayer that more will come to the service.

Next for "Events at a Glance": Thursday service at 7:00. Wednesday, July 27th at 7:00. The next meeting for the Lord's Army.

Donations are still need for the "Shelf". Also, if you have coupons that you won't be using, we can use them. You can give them directly to Mrs. Mollohan or Mrs. Randall, or Mrs. McKinley. Those can and will be used to stock the Shelf. 

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! Love the new bulletin boards. Boy do I miss all of you!
