Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May Birthdays and Anniversaries.

I am determined not not miss wishing all of our people a happy birthday or anniversary as I have done in past months. . So here it goes....

Happy 18th birthday to Tony Kuhn 5/22!! Happy anniversary to Bro & Sister Campos 5/02 and Happy anniversary to Bro. and Sister Kuhn 5/16. 

And while I did announce the birth of Honor Harris (April 9th) in an earlier post (on FB) . I didn't get her listed along with the other birthdays in April. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 

Mrs McKinley

Friday, April 26, 2013

April Birthday's

Happy birthday to all of our special people .. Sheena Campos, Sarah Sagasta, Gregg Mollohan & Donald Randall III. Happy anniversary to Bro & Sister Sonnefeld.

Happy Birthday, Donald

Happy 16th Birthday!!