Sunday, July 31, 2011


August Calendar Changes..

Men's meeting. August 20th. Time ?

Lord's Army, 7:00. August 17th & 31st.

Ladies Meeting, 2:00, August 27th.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ladies Meeting

Last Saturday we enjoyed a work day/ladies fellowship and craft. Along with changing and updating our missions boards, we worked on invitations to pass out at our local nursing home. Please be in prayer that we can reach more of the residents at the nursing home. It is our prayer that more will come to the service.

Next for "Events at a Glance": Thursday service at 7:00. Wednesday, July 27th at 7:00. The next meeting for the Lord's Army.

Donations are still need for the "Shelf". Also, if you have coupons that you won't be using, we can use them. You can give them directly to Mrs. Mollohan or Mrs. Randall, or Mrs. McKinley. Those can and will be used to stock the Shelf. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The First Lord's Army Meeting

I may never march in the infantry,  ride in the Calvary, shoot the Artillary! I may never zoom over the enemy. But I'm in the Lord's Army!!  Yes, Sir!!!

The boys (and men) had their first meeting, last week. The boys all start out at the rank of  Private. As they learn thier verses and complete tasks they will rank up. They have thier hats and soon will have emblems.

Thank you to Bro. DePrez and Bro. Sagasta for submitting these photos.

Sunday, July 10, 2011



Wednesday, July 13th, 7:00, The Lord's Army.

Saturday, July 16th, 9:00. Men's breakfast at Rutherfords Family Restaurant


Saturday, July 16th, 12:30 or 2:00. 

Volunteers are needed for decorating the bulletin board. One volunteer is needed to clean out the freezer. This will all be done prior to the ladies fellowship. If you wish to help, please be at church by 12:30 on Saturday, July 16th. Ladies fellowship to start at 2:00. Please bring snacks. Mrs. Randall has a craft planned. Please bring some spare buttons.

Food Shelf:  Items are needed to stock the shelf and the freezer. Items needed are: canned goods, non perishable food items.Paper products: toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Freezer: meat, frozen veggies, etc.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Church Picnic-2011

We had a wonderful (annual) church picnic on July 4th. The weather was great. The kids and a few brave adults went on a very long uphill hike to the top of the mountain. Except for a few tense moments when we thought we had lost 3 hikers, everything went well.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Prayer Letter From The Hammett's

Dear Brethren and Prayer Partners,

We are grateful for your prayers for us in these last couple of weeks.  We have seen the hand of the Lord at work in some special ways in the villages that we are working in.  We praise the Lord for open doors at Sofaya village, where a few weeks ago we witnessed the conversion of Festah, a key lady there, and recently we learned of the conversion of her son Richwell (19).  Richwell has been under conviction for several weeks, and this past week, he finally bowed the knee and confessed his sin, and called on the Lord to save him.  His mother, Festah, has made many spiritually discerned remarks over the past few weeks, and we do believe to see in her the marks of a new spirit!  These are refreshing tidings to us, in the midst of such a dark and spiritually barren place.

The spiritual opposition has also been very manifest.  I don’t share this example to sound super-spiritual or superstitious, but rather just to bring clarity to your prayers.  Sometimes the spiritual battles are more obvious than other times, but the truth is that we are always in the midst of spiritual warfare.  This past Sunday morning there was a very evidently demon-afflicted lady at the study in Relela village.  As we sang a song about Jesus Christ and His power to save, she began to shriek in a very inhumane voice, and appeared to be torn with an evil spirit beyond her control.  We continued on, and were able to deliver a very simple, yet powerful illustration of the Gospel, with the story of Abraham offering Isaac.  Many of those who were present were very sober about their need for saving faith, like Abraham had.

We covet your prayers for the folks at Relela, especially those under conviction, to be drawn to Christ.  We have seen some conversions at Sofaya, and desire to see some others begin to assemble with the group there and learn the Gospel.  Your prayers are much more crucial than you can probably even fully understand.  We truly sense a great satanic opposition to the work here, and we desire to go forward only in the strength and power of the Lord!  Thanks for taking the time to intercede on behalf of the ministry here!

Yours For African Souls,

Bro. George Hammett
Missionary to Africa

Friday, July 1, 2011

Church Picnic

I hope everyone is looking forward to our annual picnic on July 4th! Please bring a main dish and a side dish or dessert to share. Please let Mrs. Randall know what your side dish and or dessert will be. She is trying to coordinate the food. Bro Frank is our hiking leader. Bring enough water if you plan to go on the hike. Also if you have board games or other games, bring those along too. We are all looking forward to a fun time of fellowship. Thank you.


P.S. I've added a new section called "Events at a Glance". You can find it on the left side bar under the church calendar link.

Also, the church directory is finished. Copies can be found on the back table .